Thank you for registering and submitting your SNUG Sponsor Payment
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Sponsor:{Company Name:2}
Name:{Name (First):3.3} {Name (Last):3.6} - {Position:4}
{Address (Street Address):5.1}
{Address (Address Line 2):5.2}
{Address (City):5.3}, {Address (State / Province):5.4} {Address (ZIP / Postal Code):5.5}
Phone: {Phone:6}
Email: {Email:7}
Are you the primary contact: {Are you the primary vendor contact for representation at SNUG?:20}
Primary Contact: {If you are not the primary contact, please provide information below::21}
Products or Services: {What products or services will you be exhibiting?:14}
Exhibitor Level: {Exhibitor Level - Please choose an option:10}
Payment Method: {Payment Method:15}
Payment Date: {date_mdy}